Pet Spaying and Neutering

Reasons to Have a Pet Neutered in Riverview, FL

Getting a dog, cat, or other pet can be a great addition to any household. When you are looking to care for your pet, it is crucial that you consider having it spayed or neutered. When going through a professional pet neutering process in Riverview, FL, pets and pet owners can benefit in a range of different ways.

Health Benefits for Pet

One of the advantages of having a pet neutered is that it can provide significant health benefits. Male dogs and other animals that are not neutered have a high risk of developing prostate and testicular cancer as they get older. This creates a significant health concern for the dog and can significantly affect its lifespan and quality of life. Neutering can help to reduce these risks.

Fights Overpopulation

The use of neutering or spaying a pet can also help fight overpopulation. Unplanned breeding continues to be a challenge for dogs, cats, and other animals. If left uncontrolled, the population of these animals can grow quickly. This situation could lead to a lack of safe homes for pets, and the higher population of wild animals can also lead to the spread of various diseases. By spaying or neutering your pet, you will be doing your part in the community to help fight this concern.

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Better Behavior

A pet that is not neutered properly or spayed by the right age can experience a range of different behavioral challenges. These pets tend to seem less happy at home and can be more aggressive than other pets of the same breed. Having the pet spayed or neutered can help with this challenge and keep your home safe and happy for your pet and your family.

Having your pet neutered in Riverview, FL, is important. If you need to have your pet spayed, you should call the Pavilion Crossing Animal Hospital & Grooming at (813) 670-8881. Reach out to the team to learn more about the neutering process and schedule an appointment with Dr. Keshava Eega for a consultation related to your pet’s neutering needs.

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Dr. Keshava Eega

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