Pet Exams

3 Reasons to Schedule an Annual Check Up for Your Pet

New pet exams and annual check-ups are essential if you want to make sure your pet stays healthy and happy. Pets cannot always tell us when something is wrong, so an annual visit to the vet is a good idea to ensure they are in good health. During an annual check-up, the vet will go over their shot record and give them a thorough physical exam to see if there are any abnormalities. If there are, treatment can begin immediately.

Keep Their Shot Record Up to Date

Maintaining a current and up to date shot record is important for all your pets. Puppies and adult dogs and cats should receive their shots according to the specific schedule for each type of vaccine. Most communities require that all dogs receive their vaccines every year and that the owner maintain an accurate and up to date shot record at all times. If you are unsure of when your pet should receive its shots, your vet can help you find the answer.

Check for Any Abnormalities

During an annual check-up, your veterinarian will perform a thorough physical examination. They will go over your pet very closely looking for any signs of disease or injury. In most cases, your pet will be fine with no issues to report. On the rare occasion that your vet does find something wrong, they will be able to begin treatment immediately and hopefully prevent any long-lasting issues from affecting your pet’s health.

Proper Development

When dealing with puppies or kittens, a new pet exam will be performed to ensure they are developing and growing properly. Your vet may recommend a special food or vitamin supplement to ensure they are getting everything they need to keep growing as they should. Your vet will also provide you with tips on training your new pet to the litter box or to go outside.

New Client: (813) 670-8881 | Existing Client: (813) 374-9456
Request an Appointment

New pet exams and annual checkups are an essential part of owning a pet. Dr. Keshava Eega and the staff of Pavilion Crossing Animal Hospital & Grooming are available to answer any questions you may have about pet care and the importance of annual check-ups. Riverview FL residents can call the office to schedule an appointment. New clients should call (813) 670-8881 while existing clients should use 813-374-9456 .

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Dr. Keshava Eega

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